Born 1982 in Germany, I have been living in France since my early childhood. With my wife and son, we now live in Vienna.

For the last 17 years I've been working as a photographer, mainly for companies and professionals.

I'm also a graphic designer. Thanks to this double role, I provide a complete service for all projects of image creation or print and web communication tools.

photo © Alejandra Muñoz

my little story...

After three years of studying languages and sociology at the University of Montpellier, I decided to follow my heart. It was in my improvised laboratory bathed in red lights, discovering in wonder my first images slowly appearing in the developer that I decided to become a photographer.

My first school was Serge Gal's IMAGE-OUVERTE School of Photography. There I studied the legacy of Ansel Adams and his photographic ideals which still guide and influence me today.

The rest of my apprenticeship took place at the ETPA School of Photography in Toulouse, in Pierre Barbot's class. There I learned how to put my technique at the service of an idea, to develop an artistic approach, to strengthen my professional project.

In 2012, I decided to expand my skill set by pursuing a degree in graphic design, allowing me to support my clients throughout the creative process, from concept to execution.

Alongside, I devote my time to my own personal photography projects. It's at these times that I unleash all my creativity to the sole benefit of expressing my obsessions.

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